Shenzhen CARMAXER Electronics Technology CO.,LTD
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Safety & Security Parking Assist System Auto Electronics Car Camera Auto Electric System Lighting System Tail Lamp Audio & Navigation DVD & MP4 PlayerCA-736R Monitor, car review mirror monitor,review mirror
7 inch review mirror monitor ,16:9 4:3
Resolution:480 R.G.B x234 dots
Color system: PAL/NTSC(selectable)
Power requirement: 12/24V DC
Power consumption: ≤7W
Operating temperature: -20 degree to +65 degree
Storage temperature: -30 degree to +80 degree
Adjustable bracket installation
Switch display mode by remote control
Video Input 2
WIFI Optinal
Car backing backsight function, automaticimage switch to right or left
Video signal disappear, display blue screen
Card style remote control